The "Lung & SleepPractice" is a medical practice that specializes in the investigation and the treatment of the whole spectrum of lung disease as well as sleep disorders..
Lung diseases include COPD, asthma, lung cancer and cystic fibrosis (CF). Certain rarer forms of disease exist such as interstitial lung disease, which includes sarcoidosis and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension. Shortness of breath, coughing and chest pain that is accompanied by a sense of choking or a feeling of tightness are all symptoms of some form of lung disease.
Many forms of sleep disorders, especially problems falling asleep and sleeping through the night result in daytime tiredness and reduced performance. A large number of sleeping disorders, especially the difficulty to fall asleep or the inability to sleep throughout the whole of the night always result in fatigue and reduced efficiency during the day. It is normal for anyone to feel tired from time to time and to feel tired after a night of ineffective sleep. However, when this becomes a habit, it may be wise to investigate what could be at the root of the sleeping disorder, sleep apnea, insomnia or the syndrome of restless legs. Excessive sluggishness or an excessive need of sleep can also be a sign of a sleeping disorder.
It is our concern to offer you a careful, competent and friendly assessment and treatment. It is extremely important for us to build an environment of trust in order for a thorough professional assessment to be carried out. Taking your needs into account is also a part of the treatment. It goes without saying that we work in close collaboration with your family doctor and any other medical specialists.